Wednesday, June 2, 2010


Sweat beaded off Harry’s brow. His hands were shaking, but only slightly. His heart pumped adrenaline. He grabbed the gun and made a go for it. The voice in his head was clear and unflinching:

This is it, no turning back. Fuck everyone that stands in my way, and if I go down, they’re sure as shit coming with me. Lazy ass motherfuckers... it’s time someone makes a stand against incompetence and indifference in this city.

The problem was that the gun was empty. Harry didn’t know it. Upon buying the gun and ammunition earlier in the day, Harry went back to his apartment and gleefully played with the weapon for hours, jumping around corners and blasting imaginary enemies in training for his destiny. In his frolic, he forgot to load the 9mm FMJ.

His plan was to murder every public transit employee he could find in a blood soaked frenzy. The cops picked him up handily within ten minutes; no one was harmed. Upon his release from prison, he purchased a bus pass.